Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years Foundation Stage


We believe that children deserve the best possible start in their education with support that enables them to reach their full potential. We provide stability by having members of staff who have been teaching with us for a number of years.

Using the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework (UK), we plan for quality and consistency across the Kindergarten and Reception year groups. We aim to secure solid foundations through learning and development opportunities; our philosophy is one of learning through play-based activities.

We plan in detail to deliver knowledge, skills and understanding, across 7 areas of teaching and learning; each area of learning, and development is implemented through planned and purposeful play and activities.

Each topic is followed by a time of reflection for teachers to be with individual children or small groups to recall experiences and further develop language skills whilst consolidating knowledge and skills.

    • Communication and Language
    • Physical Development
    • Personal, Social and Emotional development
    • Literacy
    • Mathematics
    • Understanding the World
    • Expressive Arts and Design

Children are given opportunities to develop their confidence and skills to express themselves and to speak and listen in a range of scenarios. They are guided to understand the importance of physical activity, develop social skills , manage their own feelings and understand appropriate behaviour whilst having confidence in their own abilities.

Our class rooms are bright and sunny places where children explore experiment and create. We have 2 x a.m. and 2 x p.m. classes for both Kindergarten and Reception.

Weekly visits to our school library take place for all children and parents are guided to participate in encouraging early book handling and emergent reading skills through book sharing at home. Our school hall is available for Physical activity and our Reception classes have weekly lessons with our Music teacher.

Individual progress reports are received by parents in both January and July: meet the teacher' takes place at the start of the school year to explain our curriculum and the school ethos and parent/ teacher meetings are held annually after Chinese New Year.

Mandarin is taught daily for Kindergarten and Reception classes and is a strong element of holistic education here at the KCIS Kindergarten.

Kindergarten and Reception classes have 3 field trips a year; we encourage families to join us and participate in the children's learning. Parents are also invited to participate by joining us in school on occasions such as Book Week, Mothers and Fathers days and other open days.
