In the Primary section we look to develop the whole child; academically, emotionally, and socially. We have identified 5 key attributes of KCIS students. Our curriculum is designed to develop our students to become global citizens, curious thinkers and proud representatives for our school who show independence, and growing awareness of their environment. We also have a school-wide ‘Student Code of Conduct’.
KCIS has adopted a modified version of the English National Curriculum from Primary 1 through to Primary 6. Maths and Literacy are taught as discrete subjects. Science, Geography, History, Design Technology and Art are taught on a more cross-curricular basis where links can be naturally made. Our teachers work very closely together in their teams to plan exciting and interesting lessons with an emphasis on activities that involve our students putting their learning into practice.
Mandarin focuses on reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, and is taught daily by fully qualified Mandarin speaking teachers. Lessons are between 40-60 minutes. Both Music and Physical Education lessons are taught by specialist teachers. Information Technology is integrated across all areas of our teaching. Interactive white boards and ipads are used in class to enhance the teaching of our curriculum. Our ICT suite is kept up to date and used to teach discrete ICT skills and to support learning in other areas.
Twice a year we offer extracurricular activities after school. The activities on offer from our teachers vary from year to year, but usually cover a range of artistic and sporting activities. In addition, we have a wide variety of fee paying activities which run throughout the year, including martial arts, tennis, soccer and chess for P2 – P6.
As part of the curriculum, classes are often taken to places of interest in and around Hong Kong, connected with the work the students are undertaking in the classroom. In addition, each year Primary 3, Primary 4 and 5 students go on an adventure camp for 2 to 4 days, to a local site in Hong Kong. Our Primary 6's travel overseas for a week to experience Chinese culture and to apply their Mandarin skills to real situations. The aim of taking children on educational trips such as these is to encourage independence, self-reliance and self-esteem in the individual, and to foster an increasing interest in Hong Kong and Asia. We consider it an extremely important part of their overall education at Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary School.