Supervisor's Welcome
Principal's Welcome
Foundation and Primary School
Head Teacher
Upper School
Head Teacher (Curriculum)

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Welcome from the Head Teacher of Foundation and Primary

As Head Teacher of our International Section I would like to introduce myself as Sandra Wyatt as I now commence my 22nd year here at KCIS. I am a qualified and registered Early Years teacher with over 29 years’ experience of working with young children in Hong Kong. At KCIS I have taught both the Kindergarten and Reception classes.

I warmly welcome you to KCIS and look forward to you meeting all our teachers, teachers’ assistants and support staff who, through their dedication and team work, make our campuses the happy and stimulating teaching and learning environments that they are.

We use the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Guidance from the UK for our Kindergarten and Reception year groups, which together form the Foundation Classes.

Our class rooms are hives of activity; play based and explorative activities provide an environment rich with opportunities for creativity and hands-on learning.

Our Primary 1 children also have a creative element to their learning and The National Curriculum (England) is adapted for Hong Kong so that studies of local history and geography can be included.

Mandarin has a strong presence in both curriculums and is taught daily in all classes.

Our staff is dedicated to providing a holistic education and to developing talents and learning from life experiences. We have a very enthusiastic group of teachers, recruited from around the world, who have high expectations for all our students.

Information Technology is integrated across all areas of our teaching. All our classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards. We regularly update our IT facilities to provide for new advancing technology, classes from P1-P6 all have iPad access.

Ms. Nicola Sugden, Head Teacher (Curriculum) is based at Braemar Hill Road and is responsible for the development and implementation of the curriculum for P1 –P6.

My curriculum area is the Foundation classes and I share my time between both our Ching Wah Street and Braemar Hill Road campuses.

Please call either of our school offices if you would like to visit our school.



Sandra Wyatt
Head Teacher,
Foundation and Primary
International Section